Minor errors or inconsistencies in punctuation and formatting have beensilently corrected. Please see the transcriber’s note at the end of thistext for details regarding the handling of any other textual issuesencountered during its preparation.
Footnotes have been resequenced to be unique, and were moved to the endof the text. Hyperlinks are provided for ease of reference. Any referencesto those notes in the text have been amended as well. In the Topical Index,references to cited authors which appear only in the footnotes on the givenpages are linked directly to the notes.
The illustrations have been moved to avoid falling within paragraphs. Thereare several maps (just prior to the Introduction, at p. 182 and atp. 216) which are linked to full size versions and can be viewedsimply by clicking on the image.
This bookrepresents long years of patienttoil from which a correspondingreturn is not expected;it has been a labor of love.To whom, then, should it bededicated but yourself, whospent so many toilsome yearsto rear its author, who maynever repay a fraction of thedebt he owes you.
In the autumn of 1871, I began the collection of materials for thebook which is just completed; at a time when many original sources existedfrom which to draw. Since that ti