Compliments of
Copyright 1935, American Oil Company
You are now in the Historic City of Boston, the Birthplaceof American Liberty.
The Boston you see around you today is the capital cityof the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts, with a population,in its Greater Boston area, of 2,307,897, and itcovers 1022.6 square miles. The town was settled overthree hundred years ago by a God-loving people of ruggedcharacter, industry and vision. Today it has grown intothis great modern manufacturing and commercial center.It boasts of two hundred universities, colleges and schools,of which the major ones are Boston University, Harvard,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Radcliffe, Wellesley,Tufts, Simmons, Boston College, New EnglandConservatory of Music, Northeastern, and MassachusettsSchool of Art. There are two hundred and twenty-fourpublic libraries available with more than four million books.There are five museums open to the public.
This little book has been designed by the American OilCompany for your convenience during your stay in this historictown and has been divided into five tours, each ofwhich may be made easily in a day’s time.
The Start: Leaving the Providence Street side of the HotelStatler, walk directly ahead on Arlington Street one block toBoylston Street. Turn right, proceed on Boylston Street to CharlesStreet, at which point we cross to the
The Boston Common is a tract of land, containing nearly fiftyacres, bought in 1634 by Governor Winthrop and others fromWilliam Blaxton, who held his title by right of possession gainedprior to the settlement of Boston in 1630. It was set apart for commonuse as a cow pasture and training field, and amusingly stillretains that status. As you enter the Common, pause for a momentat the little cemetery on the Boylston Street side for here liesburied Gilbert Stuart, the noted portrait painter, and also a numberof prominent Boston citizens.
Proceeding through the Common, we view the Soldiers’ Monumentwhich crowns Flagstaff Hill where British Artillery was stationedduring the siege of Boston, when troops were qu