The tourist finds his way about easily in town, if he has aplan giving the names of the streets.
He gets about with the same ease and certainty on the road,if he has a Michelin map, because it gives all the roadnumbers on the milestones and road-signs.
If you are not a Member
join to-day. By doing so, you will help France and, atthe same time, yourself. (Intending Members shouldbe introduced by two actual Members, or furnishreferences.)
If you are already a Member
Introduce new Members. It will only cost you alittle good will, and you will have the satisfaction ofknowing that you have helped to augment theAssociation's beneficent influence.
The yearly subscription is:
6 francs for new Members of French nationality.
10 francs for new Members of other nationality,wherever their residence may be.
New subscriptions paid from October 1 arevalid for the following calendar year.
Life subscriptions may be effected in one paymentof 120 francs for persons of French nationality, or200 francs if of other nationality.
The title of "Membre-Fondateur" may be acquiredby the payment of 300 francs.
A minimum payment of 500 francs confers thetitle of "Membre-Bienfaiteur."