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[NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, or pointers, at the end of thefile for those who may wish to sample the author's ideas before making anentire meal of them. D.W.]

(Tache d'Encre)


Preface by E. LAVISSE



RENE-NICHOLAS-MARIE BAZIN was born at Angers, December 26, 1853. Hestudied for the bar, became a lawyer and professor of jurisprudence atthe Catholic University in his native city, and early contributed to 'LeCorrespondant, L'Illustration, Journal des Debats, Revue du Deux Mondes,'etc. Although quietly writing fiction for the last fifteen years or so,he was not well known until the dawn of the twentieth century, when hismoral studies of provincial life under the form of novels and romancesbecame appreciated. He is a profound psychologist, a force inliterature, and his style is very pure and attractive. He advocatesresignation and the domestic virtues, yet his books are neither dull, nortiresome, nor priggish; and as he has advanced in years and experience M.Bazin has shown an increasing ambition to deal with larger problems thanare involved for instance, in the innocent love-affairs of 'Ma TanteGiron' (1886), a book which enraptured Ludovic Halevy. His novel, 'UneTache d'Encre' (1888), a romance of scholarly life, was crowned by theFrench Academy, to which he was elected in 1903.

It is safe to say that Bazin will never develop into an author dangerousto morals. His works may be put into the hands of cloistered virgins,and there are not, to my knowledge, many other contemporary Frenchimaginative writers who could endure this stringent test. Some critics,indeed, while praising him, scoff at his chaste and surprising optimism;but it is refreshing to recommend to English readers, in these days ofRealism and Naturalism, the works of a recent French writer which do notrequire maturity of years in the reader. 'Une Tache d'Encre', as I havesaid, was crowned by the French Academy; and Bazin received from the sameexalted body the "Prix Vitet" for the ensemble of his writings in 1896,being finally admitted a member of the Academy in June, 1903. Heoccupies the chair of Ernest Legouve.

Bazin's first romance, 'Stephanette', was published under the pseudonym"Bernard Seigny," in 1884; then followed 'Victor Pavie (1887); Noellet(1890); A l'Aventure (1891) and Sicile (1892)', two books on Italy, ofwhich the last mentioned was likewise crowned by the French Academy; 'LaLegende de Sainte-Bega (1892); La Sarcelle Bleue (1892); Madame Corentine(1893); Les Italiens d'aujousd'hui (1894); Humble Amour (1894); EnProvince (1896); De toute son Ame (1897)', a realistic but moderateromance of a workingman's life; 'Les Contes de Perrette (1898); La Terrequi Meurt (1899); Le Guide de l'Empereur (1901); Les Oberle (1902), atale from Alsace of to-day, sketching the political situation,approximately correct, and lately adapted for the stage; 'Donatienne'(1903).

With Bazin literary life does not become a mirage obscuring the vision ofreal life. Before being an author Rene Bazin is a man, with a familyattached to the country, rooted in the soil; a guaranty of the dignity ofhis work as well as of the writer, and a safeguard against manyextravagances. He has remained faithful to his province. He lives inthe attractive city of Angers. When he leaves it, it is for a littletour through France, or a rare journey-once to Sicily and once to Spain.He is seldom to be met on the Paris



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