John Gardner made up his mind to buy his
wife a very unusual present—one she could not
resist. So he asked the salesman to show him—
[Transcriber's Note: This etext was produced from
Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy
June 1956
Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that
the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]
They quarreled at breakfast. This was not strange because theyquarreled often. But it bothered him after he'd called for his car andwas on the way to his office, he realized she was the only one left.
The realization came suddenly and now he was frightened—this strangeman who needed friends as a spider needs flies—in order to survive.His wealth had drawn them of course; a fact he refused to believe.But even unlimited resources could not hold them and insult and abusedrove them all finally away. Yet he continued to insult and abuse whilepainfully seeing them leave. Because that was the kind of man he was.
Until now they were all gone, the dear ones, the relatives, even thefawners and he realized in panic that only Dolores was left.
But she will stay. There is no cause to worry. She will stay becauseshe loves me because she married me.
But he was nervous. He knew this quarrel had to be patched up becausehe had too much at stake. And knowing only one way to patch aquarrel, he frowned and pondered. A gift of course, but what? She hadeverything. Another diamond necklace? Another ruby ring? Somehow hefelt neither would do the trick this time. The quarrel had been verybitter.
Then he remembered and smiled and told his chauffeur, "There is a storeI noticed in the International Building. Kamiss and Company. Stop offthere...."
He marched into the richly decorated showroom and said, "I'm JohnGardner of Gardner Industries. I understand you've got something new."
The clerk almost snapped his spine bowing. John Gardner! Mr. Billionshimself! If he could get him on the customer list it would be atremendous prestige boost. "Indeed we have, sir. I imagine you arereferring to our new unit—Domestic Two?"
"I don't know what you call it, but it's the servant-robot you peoplehave spent millions publicizing. Will it actually do what you claim?"
"Oh, yes. Our advertising was underplayed if anything. You see, Mr.Gardner, robots have been found quite satisfactory for assemblingwork—manufacturing operations and the like, where they functioned asmere automatons."
"I know," Gardner said coldly. "I use seven hundred of them insmall-parts assembly."
"But only now has Kamiss been able to individualize the robot and endowit with a real intelligence. The process involved a new sensitizerwe developed. This device is motivated by a micro-wave controlindividualized to the unit itself. The result, Mr. Gardner, is basicintelligence and unswerving devotion. Each unit is—"
"You talk too much," Gardner growled with his usual tact. "Trot one ofthe things out and let me look it over."
"Certainly sir," and the clerk scurried away, fearful of offending thispowerful man.
A few moments later, the drapes parted and a robot walked into theroom. Gardner scowled at it. He was disappointed. "Rather tall isn'tit?"
The clerk, following close behind the robot, said, "True, but itsdimensions are the result of exhaustive scientific research. The heightis nine-feet-three and one-quarter inches, the arm-span six-feet-twoinches. The body and