Account of Sir Charles Wilmot—Loss of the Grosvenor—SirCharles's doubts respecting the Survival of his Wife andChildren—Alexander Wilmot—His Character—The NewspaperParagraph—Details of the Wreck of the Grosvenor—Surmisesas to the Fate of the Passengers
Alexander's Reflections—His Plan—Sir Charles opposes it—Hisunwilling Consent—Alexander's Departure
Alexander's Melancholy—Finds a Friend—Sea Sickness—Mr.Fairburn—The Passengers—Conversations—The Cape—Mr.Fairburn's Account of the Treatment of the Hottentots bythe Dutch
Natural History discussed—Mr. Swinton's Enthusiasm—FurtherHistory of the Cape—Dutch Barbarity—Alexander's Indignation
Aquatic Birds—Guano—Mr. Fairburn's Narrativecontinued—Stuurman—Mokanna—The Attack—Failure of the Caffres
Sharks—Their Cowardice—Attack on one by Neptune—Divers'Dangers—Mr. Fairburn continues his Story—Mokanna'sFate—Disturbances among the Caffre Tribes
Mr. Swinton agrees to accompany Alexander—Land, ho!—CapeTown—Major Henderson—He joins the Party—Begum—Chaka'sHistory
Night in Algoa Bay—The Major meets Maxwell—Preparationsto start—The Caravan—Description of it—The Departure
The Plans of the Adventurers—Big Adam's Bravery—Milius—HisRefreshments—What his House contained—Speech tothe Hottentots—The Bushman Boy, Prince Omrah
Wild Beasts—Insubordination of the Hottentots—Danger fromElephants—Their hideous Shrieks—Big Adam's Terror—LieutenantHoodie's wonderful Escape—Sagacity of the Elephant—Intentionsof the Party
Arrival at Mr. S.'s Station—The Quarrel between Hinza andVoosani—An Escort proposed—The Caffre Character—TheSabbath—Painful Position of a Missionary's Wife
The Royal Visit—Mutual Civilities—The Band ofWarriors—Hippopotami—Their Carcasses—Omrah's Cunning—TheTrick—Big Adam