For the Birds

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

For the Birds

March 2001


Among the fondest andmost memorablemoments of childhoodare the discoveries ofsongbirds nesting inthe backyard. Thedistinctive, mud-linednests of robins andtheir beautiful blueeggs captivate people ofall ages. Likewise, thenesting activities ofhouse wrens, cardinals,chickadees and othercommon birds canstimulate a lifelonginterest in nature.


As you learn to enjoythe beauty of birdlifearound their home, youmay wish to improvethe “habitat” in youryard so that more birdswill visit your property.You can attract birdsby placing bird feeders,nest boxes, and birdbaths in your yard, andby planting a varietyof trees, shrubs, andflowers. These canprovide good nestingsites, winter shelter,places to hide frompredators and naturalfood supplies that areavailable year-round.


Backyard bird feeding is aconvenient way to enjoy wildlife.More than 65 million Americans ofall ages watch, feed and landscapefor birds.

It doesn’t matter where you live—inan apartment, townhouse or singlefamily dwelling, in the city, suburbsor country. Just stand still and you’llhear them: wild birds. It is hard toimagine life without them.

Bird watching is one of the fastestgrowing forms of outdoor recreationin the country. Each year millionsof people discover for the first timethe joys of birdwatching. It’s easyto understand why. Birds are funto watch.

And you can watch them just abouteverywhere. The most convenientplace to start is right in your ownbackyard. All it takes to get theirattention is food or water, a placeto build a nest and appropriatevegetation.

Bird on window feeder

Getting Started

Backyard Bird Feeding

When you want to attract a particularbird species and keep it coming backto your backyard, what you do willbe determined by where you live,and the time of year. For example,on any winter day, you are likely tosee a cardinal at a sunflower feederin Virginia, a goldfinch at a thistlefeeder in Massachusetts andhummingbirds at a nectar feeder insouthern California.

A bird field identification book haspictures of different birds and willhelp you find the names for the birdsyou’re likely to see and the time ofyear you’re most likely to see them.So, first determine what birds arelikely to occur in your area.

Feeder Selection

When the ground is covered withsnow and ice, it’s hard to resist justtossing seed out the door. But it’shealthier for the birds to get theirhandouts at a feeding station, ratherthan off the ground. Regardless ofthe season, food that sits on theground for even a short time isexposed to contamination bydampness, mold, bacteria, animaldroppings, lawn fertilizers andpesticides.

You can start simply with a piece ofscrap wood elevated a few inchesabove the ground. Add a few holes fordrainage and you’ve built a platformfeeder. It won’t be long



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