“The Jolly Book of Boxcraft” has been enlargedand rewritten from work started in May, 1909. Thiswork was purchased by St. Nicholas, Little Folks,Good Housekeeping, The Congregationalist andChristian World, The Designer, Holland’s Magazine,The Housekeeper, The Ladies’ Home Journal,The New York Herald, and The New York Tribune.Thanks are due to them for the courtesy ofusing material which was included in their articles.
The author feels that it is only right to acknowledgeher indebtedness to the children themselves whohave lent their toys and helped in many little ways oftheir own toward the making of this book. Specialthanks are due to Elizabeth Hendricks, RaymonGuthrie, Henry Jarrett, Stanley Hoyt, and WesleyMeehan, playfellows.
PAGE | |
Introduction (Verse) | XV |
Boxcraft | 1 |
The Little White Cottage of Boxville... BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!Sitemize Üyelik ÜCRETSİZDİR! |