As sure as He stands for right,
As sure as the Hun this wrong hath done,
So surely we'll win this fight.'
In response to numerous requests from the 'boys,' this brief volume ofstory and sketch is published. It makes no pretension to literarymerit, neither is it intended to serve as a history of the Division.The indulgence of those who may read is earnestly solicited, in viewof the work having been prepared amidst the trying and thrillingexperiences so common to active service. The fighting history of theAustralian Forces is one long series of magnificent achievements,beginning on that day of sacred and glorious memory, April 25, 1915.Ever since that wonderful test of capacity and courage the Australianshave advanced from victory to victory, and have won for themselves asplendid reputation. Details of training, raids, engagements, andtactical features have been purposely omitted. The more seriousaspect will be written by others. In deference to Mr. Censor, names ofplaces and persons have been suppressed, but such omissions will notdetract from the interest of the book. 'Over the Top with the ThirdAustralian Division' is illustrative of that big-hearted,devil-may-care style of the Australians, the men who can see thebrighter side of life under the most distracting circumstances andmost unpromising conditions. In the pages that follow, some incidentsof the life of the men may help to pass away a pleasant hour and serveas a reminder of events, past and gone, but which will ever be freshto those whose immediate interests attach to the Third AustralianDivision.