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Statement of ownership, management, circulation, etc., of Nick CarterStories, published weekly, at New York City, required by the Act ofAugust 24, 1912.... Editor, W. E. Blackwell, 32 W. 75th Street, New YorkCity.... Managing editors, business managers, publishers and owners,Street & Smith, 79-89 Seventh Avenue, New York City.... Knownbondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent.or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities:None.... Signed by George C. Smith, for Street & Smith.... Sworn to andsubscribed before me this 30th day of September, 1912, Chas. W.Ostertag, Notary Public No. 31, New York County (my commission expiresMarch 30th, 1913).
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No. 11. NEW YORK, November 23, 1912. Price Five Cents.
“It ain’t right! It’s swindling, and you can’t make it anything else!”
These words, uttered in a loud, angry voice, were followed by a fierceoath, and the man to whom they were addressed raised his hand, and therewas a look of pain on his pale face.
“I wish you wouldn’t swear,” he said gently. “Be calm, and tell me justwhat you mean.”
The first speaker looked ashamed of himself, and probably would haveanswered in a quiet way if another man who was standing near had not putin:
“Don’t pay any attention to him, Mr. Judson. Let him rave. If he’s sucha fool that he can’t make money, it’s not your fault, and he has nobusiness to complain to you.”
“But,” said