Kodak Supplies





Canadian Kodak Co., Limited
Toronto, Canada





Is our registered and commonlaw trade mark and cannot be rightfullyapplied except to goods of our manufacture. When a dealer tries to sellyou, under the Kodak name, a camera or films or other goods not of ourmanufacture, you can be sure that he has an inferior article that he istrying to market on the Kodak reputation, and he also makes himselfliable to suit by us for damages and injunction.

If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak



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Make it simpler.

From the very inception the Kodak Idea has been—make photography sosimple that anybody can take good pictures.

Simpler cameras, simpler processes have followed each other with almoststartling rapidity. But the Kodak Company has not been satisfied withmerely making mechanical and chemical improvements; it has assumed theresponsibility of educating people in picture taking. The very firstKodak, way back in 1888, was accompanied by a so-called "manual" thatdid more than merely explain the operation of the mechanical features ofthe camera. It showed how the pictures should be taken, how (and hownot) to photograph a tall building, how to photograph a smallchild—told about the length of exposures in different kinds of light,both in-doors and out. It was really a primary hand-book of photography.

From that day on, every piece of Kodak apparatus, every amateur productof the Company has been accompanied by the most concise instructions,instructions that were also constructive because they not only told thebeginner what to do but why he was to do it. Even in the Kodak[Pg 4]advertising matter as much space is given up to telling people how tomake pictures as in telling them why they should buy Kodak goods.Booklets in large editions, giving instructions in practically everyphase of amateur photography have been and still are distributed withoutcharge. Photography has not merely been made simpler, it has beenexplained to all who are interested.


"Kodakery"—A Monthly Help

And now comes a new help to the beginner—"Kodakery," a little magazinethat will tell the amateur how to get better pictures. It's beautifullyillustrated. Written and edited by those who know photography inside andout and who also know the places where the amateur has trouble, it willbe a joy and a help to every enthusiast, will add for thousands to theWitchery of Kodakery.

Every purchaser, after May 1st, 1914, of a Kodak o



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