H. J. and C. C. Irwin
Supplementary Reports
W. C. Galinat, C. B. Hunt, G. E. Lewis,
R. Rodden, D. R. Whitehead
Denver, Colorado
Proceedings, No. 8 October 1, 1959
[Pg ii]
Figure 1—Area of Study.
[Pg iii]
This report, like most archaeological publications, was made possibleonly through the contributions and cooperation of many individuals. Itis difficult to thank them all adequately.
Our greatest debt is to the editor of this publication, H. M.Wormington. She has provided an incalculable amount of informationand assistance. More important, however, we have had the advantageof her knowledge and experience and have profited endlessly from hersuggestions and criticisms. Without her guidance and encouragement thisreport could not have been prepared. We are also greatly indebted toAlfred M. Bailey, Director of the Denver Museum of Natural History, whomade it possible for this report to appear in the Proceedings Series.
We are deeply grateful to the individuals who gave their valuable timeand efforts to the preparation of the supplementary reports: Donald R.Whitehead, for his pollen studies; Robert J. Rodden, for the chemicaland physical analyses of the soils; Edward Lewis, for his report onthe identification of the fauna; Charles B. Hunt, for his descriptionof the geology of the area; Walton C. Galinat, for identification andcomments on the plant remains; and M. G. Towle, for her supplementaryfloral studies.
We are deeply indebted to James B. Griffin for his acceptance of carbonsamples, which may ultimately provide an accurate chronology for thesite. We owe a special debt of thanks to Jesse D. Jennings, RichardG. Forbis, Clyde Kluckhohn, Ruth M. Underhill, Evon Z. Vogt, GordonR. Willey, and Stephen Williams. They contributed their valuable timeand professional knowledge in their comments and criticisms of thepaper. Paul C. Mangelsdorf provided helpful suggestions and importantinformation on the maize section.
Others whose reading of the manuscript we have benefited from areJ. O. Brew, J. B. Griffin, H. L. Movius Jr., and H. Smith.
J. O. Brew kindly made available to us collections in Peabody Museum,Harvard for study. We are grateful to Arminta Neal for her commentsand suggestions on the illustrations. Photographic credits are asfollows: Figure 2, T. S. Lovering (U.S.G.S.); Figure 3, F. M. Van Tuyl(U.S.G.S.); Figure 31 left and Figure 60, R. J. Rodden; Figure 76, R.F. Forbis. Within the supplementary reports, Figure 66 was drawn by C.B. Hunt (U.S.G.S.), and Figures 67 and 68 by R. J. Rodden. All otherillustrations were prepared by the authors.
We are also gratef