‘We have in this volume a thoughtful, almost exhaustive, treatment ofa subject too often handled by mere dilettante writers, who dismiss asunworthy of notice the problems with which they are unable to cope....We heartily commend Mr. Zincke’s delightful book as a fresh pleasure tothe thoughtful reader.’
‘A more independent and original volume of Egyptian travel than at thistime of day we should have thought possible. Mr. Zincke has a quicknessof eye, a vigour of judgment, and a raciness of style which place him farabove the ordinary run of travellers.... Readers will lose much if theydo not make some acquaintance with this truly remarkable volume.’
‘Each chapter takes some one topic, treats it in sharp piquant style, andgenerally throws some new light upon it, or makes it reflect some new lightupon something else. If these bright and sparkling pages are taken ascontaining suggestions to be worked out for oneself and accepted or rejectedin the light of more mature knowledge, they will be found full of value.’
‘Mr. Zincke speaks like a man of rare powers of perception, with anintense love of nature in her various moods, and an intellectual sympathybroad and deep as the truth itself.’
‘A very pleasant and interesting book.... Mr. Zincke tells his readersexactly such facts as they would wish to know. The style is captivating.’
‘A series of brilliant and suggestive essays.’