20,000 Year Old Cave Paintings

Foreword by the Editor

This is a XHTML version of "French Cave Paintings", originally published byProject Gutenberg on April 1995 as e-text #249 and consisting of a set ofdocuments available under the Generic Name of "cavepxxx.xxx".

These documents have been embedded together in this strictly valid (as ofthe time it was prepared) XHTML 1.0 document, thanks to which they can beviewed as a single multimedia document using any Web browser capable to renderstandard, well-formed HTML or XHTML files.

Complete, up-to-date, information about the Library Catalog Recordreferring to this work, and its past and possible future editions, can befound starting from the Project Gutenberg Web site, http://www.gutenberg.org/

Rome, November 2000.


We are not sure Mr. Clottes wants to keep a copyright on these,or whether he wants to put them in the Public Domain; in eithercase, we would prefer not to jeopardize his rights, and we thusare preparing this release as if it were copyrighted in 1995.

The translation in the original message we received was:"All rights reserved" so we are presuming the copyright."Tous droits reserves" in the original French message...which is also included in this package and in English.

If you want to get permission to use these for more uses than aprivate one, we suggest you contact the Minstry of Culture.

Here is the permission statement we received in both French andEnglish, and we are VERY glad to have received it on such shortnotice, and did not want to disturb things further by asking anadditional time for more details.


Comme suite votre courrier ilectronique du 7 fivrier dernier, je vous informeque M. Jean Clottes, conseiller scientifique du sous-directeur de l'archiologieet auteur des quatre photographies et du texte sur la grotte ricemmentdicouverte en Ardhche, a donni son autorisation pour l'utilisation de sesphotographies dans le cadre du projet de CD-ROM Gutenberg.

Merci de ne pas oublier de mentionner son nom sur les documents publiis.


As per your email of February 7th, I informed Mr. Jean Clottes, ScientificConsul to the Deputy-Director of Archeology and author of the fourphotographs and the texts concerning the cave paintings discoveredin Ardhche, to get his authorization for the utilizationof his photographs by the staff of Project Gutenberg's CDROM.

Please do not forget to mention his name in the documents you publish.


Project GutenbergDoc


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