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The Imperial Institute is a centre for the exhibition andinvestigation of minerals with a view to their commercialdevelopment and for the supply of information respecting thesources, composition and value of minerals of all kinds.
The Imperial Institute is provided with Research Laboratoriesfor the investigation, analysis and assay of minerals,and undertakes reports on the composition and value of minerals,for the information of Governments and producing companiesand firms, in communication with the principal users in theUnited Kingdom and elsewhere in the Empire.
Important minerals from within the Empire are exhibitedin the respective Courts of the Public Exhibition Galleries,and also in the Mineral Reference Collections of the Institute.
A special staff is engaged in the collection, critical revisionand arrangement of all important information respectingsupplies of minerals especially within the Empire, new methodsof usage and other commercial developments.
Articles on these and related subjects are periodicallypublished in the Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, and monographson special subjects are separately published under thedirection of the Committee on Mineral Resources.
The Right Hon. Viscount Harcourt, D.C.L. (Chairman).
[A]Admiral Sir Edmond Slade, K.C.V.O., K.C.I.E. (nomin