Transcriber's Note.

Apparent typographical errors have been corrected. Ligatures have beenremoved. A phrase in blackletter font is bolded.

Terra Australis Incognita


A New Southern
A Fifth Part of the WORLD;

Lately found out by

Ferdinand de Quir.

A Spanish Captain.

Printed in the Year 1617; And now Re-printed.


Gemino facit commercia Mundo

Printed for William Bray in Exeter-Court, near Exeter-Change in the Strand.

Copy of a Petition
Presented to the
KING of Spain,


Capt. Peter Ferdinand de Quir, touchingthe Discovery of the Fifth part ofthe World, called Terra AustralisIncognita, and of the great Richesand Fertility of the same.


I am called Captain Peter FerdinandDe Quir, a most humble Servantand Subject of your Majesty's, whoin all Submission do shew untoyou, that this is the Eighth Petition,which by me hath been presented to yourMajesty's View, to perswade the Conductionof some Colonies, unto theLand which your Majesty hath commandedto be discovered in the Country{6}of Terra Australis incognita: Andyet to this Hour no Resolution is takenin this Affair, neither have I receivedany Answer or Hope, whereby I mightrest assured to obtain my Dispatch, althoughI have attended Fourteen Monthsin your Court, and have employ'd FourteenYears in this Discovery, unto thewhich I have been induced by the meerGoodness of the Cause, and in the Assurednessof the same have obduratedmy self against all Difficulties and Contradictionswhatsoever. I have desperatelyexposed my self to a thousand Perilsboth by Sea and Land, I have diminishedand sunk my Estate, I have beentravailed with many Afflictions in myPerson, and suffered such strange andextraordinary Crosses, that they seem almostincredible to my self; and all, thatso Religious an Undertake should notunworthily be abandoned. In regardwhereof, I do most humbly beseech yourMajesty in the Bowels of the DivineCharity, that you would be pleased totake Order, that I be not deprived ofthe Fruits of this Design, which withsuch Instance I do desire, and whichwith so much Justice are due unto my{7}continual Pains and Travel: Nor that Ibe debarr'd from the Effects of so considerableand well-grounded a Request,whose principal Scope is the Glory ofGod, and of your Majesty, and fromwhence infinite Benefits are likely to issueforth, which will live as long as the Fabrickof the World shall subsist, and afterthe Dissolution thereof, will remain to allEternity.

Touching the Extent of these Regionsnewly discovered, grounding myJudgment on that which I have seenwith mine own Eyes, and upon thatwhich Captain Lewes Paez de Terres Admiralof my Fleet, hath represented untoyour Majesty, the Length thereof isas great as all Europe and Asia the Less,unto the Sea of Bachu, Persia, and all theIsles, as well of the Ocean, as of theMedeterranea



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